Now then, nice of you to drop by. What to tell you..?

Stating the obvious but wood is a super important natural resource; it can shelter us, transport us, protect us, inspire us and of course warm us. Above all that (if that wasn't enough) trees literally enable our existence – not a bad CV!

That’s why it’s so important to us that the wood we sell at Yorlogs is responsibly sourced and properly kiln dried to deliver the most efficient and clean burning fire for your home to have minimal impact on the environment.

At Yorlogs we believe in good honest value, hassle free ordering and delivering consistent top quality wood that is guaranteed ready to burn.

Let's stay connected and we'll drop you a note every now and then to share what's new. (Just drop your email below).

Enjoy the store. We’re here for you, ready and raring to deliver Yorlogs : )